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Error: "Invalid object name"


Your computed or subquery column returned an error stating that your code contains an "invalid object name".


The table being referenced does not exist, or is misspelled.


FROM dbo.[contacts]

-- ERROR --
-- Invalid object name 'dbo.contacts'


When referencing Rapid tables using SQL, we must use the singular name of the table. To correct this, we simply need to use:

FROM dbo.[contact]

You can check the database name of your tables by:

  1. Going to Designer
  2. Clicking Tables > All Tables in the sidebar
  3. Find the table's SQL name in the Table column

A screenshot of the Designer > Tables page. The screenshot is annotated with a red box to denote the location and appearance of the tables' SQL or database names. For example, Accounts = account, Answers = answer, Assets = asset, Bill Lines = bill_line, Bills = bill.

Note that built-in tables may be hidden from this list (e.g. the Principal table).

You can reveal these by choosing the "Show Built-in Tables" checkbox at the top of the page.

If a table's database name is too long, it may not display fully in the list. Open the table, and you can find its database name under the Naming Conventions header.

A screenshot of the Accounts > Options table. The table contains a field titled: "Database Table". In this example, the field reads "account". The screenshot is annotated with a red box to denote the location of this information.